Minor Cosmetic Changes Can Dramatically Improve Your Smile

February 5, 2020

If you are currently feeling embarrassed about the way your smile looks, it can be hard to believe that cosmetic dental work can help you. What many people can discover is that one conservative cosmetic procedure may be enough to significantly improve the way they look. For individuals who have teeth that seem misshapen, discolored, or even damaged, our Dallas, TX dentist’s office can make improvements through bonding and contouring work. Bonding and contouring treatment carefully restores teeth by safely removing excess enamel, and by coating the front of the tooth with a composite material that bonds to its surface. The results of a procedure can be exciting, and it may be possible to produce the results you want from cosmetic dental work in just one appointment!

Tooth Bonding And Contouring Can Address Many Different Flaws

Bonding and contouring work can be effective when a patient is concerned about their smile because of physical trauma, as well as due to naturally occurring problems with the shape or size of teeth. In some circumstances, bonding can be recommended as an alternative to professional teeth whitening, as the treatment can help with internal discoloration.

Making Plans For Bonding And Contouring Treatment

Bonding and contouring work can produce cosmetic results without the need for placing restorations. To make the proper changes, your dentist can contour a tooth that looks out of place because it is jagged, or because it is too large. Bonding work can lead to teeth looking brighter, and it can help with undersized or misshapen teeth. Because there is less need to modify teeth or place restorations, this work can often be performed in just one appointment!

The Right Procedure Can Help You Fully Address Smile Concerns

At our practice, patients who want to learn about their options for cosmetic treatment can learn about the advantages of the procedures we offer. While the placement of porcelain veneers can be more costly and time-consuming than treatment through bonding and contouring, you can enjoy more durable results from these restorations. We can also recommend a whitening procedure for people who are only concerned with the effects of teeth stains on their smile.

Talk To Columbia Dental And Orthodontics About Tooth Bonding And Contouring

At Columbia Dental And Orthodontics in Dallas, TX, patients who are eager to do something about cosmetic flaws can be excited to learn about the advantages of treatment in the form of bonding and contouring. If you are interested in making improvements to your smile, if you have oral health concerns, or if you simply want to schedule your next routine checkup, we can help! For more information, or to make an appointment, contact Columbia Dental & Orthodontics in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 827-8000.