Do you know what your wisdom teeth are? Have you been hearing friends discussing scheduling wisdom teeth removal to protect their smiles but you aren’t really sure if this is relevant to your needs? Don’t worry, these third molars are a mystery to many. Fortunately, by learning more about these molars that are the very last to develop in your smile, you will gain a clearer understanding of what you will need to protect your oral health.

About Wisdom Teeth

Your wisdom teeth, also called your third molars, will show up in the very back of your smile, behind your other molars. That is – if they grow in correctly and successfully. Unfortunately, these teeth commonly develop problems or begin to grow poorly, which is why we so commonly suggest wisdom teeth removal. The good news is that you will not require a tooth replacement after extraction, as third molars are not necessary.

About Wisdom Teeth Removal

We will suggest you receive wisdom teeth removal only if there is something wrong with your wisdom teeth – or, if your teeth grow in and develop correctly but you find that they are simply too difficult to care for on a day-to-day basis. We may suggest removing these teeth for one of the following reasons:

  • They Become Impacted: If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, this means that it has not been able to successfully break through your gum tissue or through your bone tissue.
  • They Grow On An Angle: If your wisdom teeth are not growing straight down alongside existing teeth but toward them, this can lead to significant pain, damage, and other problems like the shifting and misalignment of your teeth.