March 25, 2020

When tartar accumulates on your teeth, you become more vulnerable to problems like tooth decay and gum disease. What is it about this substance that can make it more difficult to address than plaque buildup? Tartar actually forms because of the presence of plaque deposits. When those deposits are not cleaned off of your teeth in time, they can harden to tartar and remain in place. When this happens, concentrations of oral bacteria have continued access to your smile, which can make you more vulnerable to oral health problems until your next professional teeth cleaning. Your Dallas, TX dentist’s office can help with tartar buildup during routine checkups, but it is important to take prevention seriously if you want to maintain better oral health.


March 18, 2020

We cheer for the arrival of a child’s secondary (“adult”) teeth, but the eruption of a person’s wisdom teeth are often cause for concern instead of celebration. These teeth are the last to arrive, and their development can create problems for your smile and oral health. They may crowd neighboring teeth, which can lead to pain and changes in your smile alignment. If they become impacted, they can create more serious concerns for your oral health. Our Dallas, TX dentist’s office is prepared to successfully remove your wisdom teeth when they start to arrive. We are also ready to work with you if they arrive at a difficult angle, or if they create additional issues for your smile.


March 11, 2020

Feeling a bright and sunny disposition in the morning is easier for some people than others. However, if you are dealing with the symptoms of bruxism, the beginning of your day can be particularly unpleasant. People who experience bruxism can grind their teeth throughout each night while they are asleep. By doing so, they create harmful pressure on their jaw while also wearing down their teeth. As a result, you can wake up with dental pain or sensitivity, as well as facial discomfort. Over time, the friction from grinding can lead to noticeable damages to your smile that leave you embarrassed! Our Dallas, TX dentist’s office is ready to help you take on this issue by providing a special oral appliance to keep your teeth from grinding while you sleep.


March 4, 2020

Ideally, you will not need a dental crown after your next dental exam. These restorations effectively protect vulnerable teeth by keeping them safe from infection and by providing them with functional support. With that said, they become necessary when a problem with your tooth is too serious for a dental filling – in other words, the type of problem you should hope to avoid! Your Dallas, TX dentist is prepared to fully restore your smile if you need a dental crown. Based on the function and responsibility of the tooth being restored, we can recommend one of several different materials to craft your crown.
