Are you growing weary of mealtimes feeling frustrating because of an ill-fitting dental prostheses, or even shifting as you chew? Has your once great denture, started to feel too small, or simply misshapen for your smile? Many people don’t realize that the smile can begin to change over time, particularly when several teeth have been lost. Without healthy tooth roots to nourish the jaw, this can lead to shrinkage which eventually makes once well-fitting dentures uncomfortable and even odd looking. Fortunately, the modern restorative options available for completing smiles can help to create more stability and instill more confidence! So if you are ready to update your smile, with a more modern and more pleasing prostheses, it is time to schedule a consultation with your restorative dentist.

Unhappy with an Existing Prostheses?

Again, over time many people begin to experience discomfort with their dentures, either partial or full. This can be due to shrinking of the jaw, or even misalignment of the teeth. Fortunately, if you decide you need a new dental prostheses there are several options available, many of which are designed to create more stable restorations.

Dental bridges, for instance, use crowns affixed to teeth near the gap that was crated by your tooth loss, to help anchor the replacement tooth (or partial denture), allowing for more comfortable and confidence chewing, and a natural-looking restoration as well.

Dental implants offer even more stability, because they are anchored by a titanium post that is first surgically inserted into the jawline. This is made of biocompatible titanium so that the soft tissues can actually grow right around it, creating great stability for a replacement tooth.