3 Ways Your Stress Damages Your Teeth

Are you worried that your emotional stress may be taking a toll on your teeth as it translates into physical stress? The truth is, this is absolutely a possibility and just one more reason (on a very long list of reasons) why it’s good to find a way to handle and manage any type of anxiety you experience during the day. Let’s talk about a few things you may be unintentionally doing to your smile health when you don’t find a way to curb excess stress.


Comprehensive Smile Protection: In 3 Steps

You know that you have the power to keep your smile safe. However, you also know that there’s not just one part of comprehensive smile protection. Instead, there are multiple things you should be doing on a consistent basis, so your oral health remains in lovely shape. So, what are they? Is there an easy way to categorize them, you wonder, so you don’t feel like you’re just frantically doing your best? Our answer to all of your questions is laid out for you within three easy steps.


Bad Breath: Why It’s More Than Just An Annoyance

Bad breath is very annoying. We cannot argue with this fact! It can make you feel self-conscious, it may become off-putting to others, and it’s just not a fun thing to deal with. This is especially true when you figure you can quickly take care of it but no matter which logical approach you take, nothing seems to be helping. Since there’s the small chance you’ll throw your hands up in defeat and get serious about keeping chewing gum and mouthwash around to mask it, we’d like to explain why coming in to allow us to help is actually very important!


When Veneers Work Instead

Sometimes, you may find that when you’re talking with us about your options for making your smile into a better looking feature, you bring up a treatment and we suggest porcelain veneers instead. Why might this be the case, you wonder, and when? Sometimes, though you assume a particular service is going to be the best, we may determine that either it won’t suffice or that it’s more than your smile actually requires. Ready for some examples? We’ve got them, of course!


Tooth Bonding And Contouring: In 4 Quick Questions

You may have heard about tooth bonding and contouring as you begin sifting through the list of cosmetic solutions out there to fix your smile concerns. As we know from speaking with patients over the years, even when you think you’re becoming familiar with these particular treatments, you may find that you become a little mixed up along the way. Which is which, you start asking yourself, and are they administered solo or together? Are there rules? Let’s go down the list of common questions, so you know them much better (and quite quickly).


Teeth Whitening: Addressing The Things That Make You Worry

There are some things about teeth whitening that are wonderful to think about: Your smile will look brighter, whiter, and more beautiful. You can enjoy more confidence, thanks to a smile that looks so much better, which may benefit you in your career, romantic life, and more! However, when you get down to the details of what to expect from the treatment itself, the things you’re worried about and you aren’t certain about may be holding you back. Let’s address some of them right now!


Cosmetic Dentistry: You May Need Some More Info!

It is very possible that though you feel exceptionally interested in cosmetic dentistry for yourself, you feel like there’s a lot left to learn. Whether you’ve just begun finding out about treatment options or if you feel a bit like a seasoned pro because you’ve received this type of care, one thing is always true: It can be difficult to feel good about coming to decisions and making plans for yourself when you feel you’re missing even the smallest bit of information. We can help you figure this one out with ease!


Sensitivity: 3 Things That Might Be Going On

When your main concern with your smile is dental sensitivity, you know something isn’t quite right. However, trying to figure out what’s wrong can be a bit of a challenge, especially if this is a new and continuing sensation for you. As you have likely already determined, our primary suggest is that you take time to see our team, so we can tell you definitively what’s going on, followed by a treatment recommendation or lifestyle advice to make things better. For now, if you’re looking for a preview into what might be causing this discomfort, we have a few ideas.


Dental Sedation: Common Ways It Can Help You

When you feel like you want to do the right thing by setting up time to see our team to protect your smile but you don’t actually think you can, you’ve got yourself a bit of a problem! On one hand, you know how to protect your oral health. On the other, your nervous system is preventing you from feeling comfortable in following through. Fortunately, with dental sedation on your side, you can overcome that hesitancy and protect that smile! Gather up just a bit more information regarding how sedation may help.
